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   MYRCIA CUCULLATA, ARRAYAN, MYRTASEAI         MAIN CHARACTERISTICS       Has the leaves marked with tiny translucent spots, which are visible when you look at them backlit (better with a magnifying glass). In these points, essential oils are stored, which give the aroma characteristic to many species of the family. To perceive this aroma, you can gently pull out a leaf and squeeze it between your fingers . The flowers of this myrtle are relatively small and white and possibly are pollinated by insects like many other similar species. The fruits have elliptical shape, measure up to 1.5 cm in length and ripen in purple.     WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR      Its mainly used for medicine.  Among which we find its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. For this reason, the essential oil of myrtle is used in wounds     WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT       It can cure  ...


      EUGENIA MYRTIFOLIA, EUGENIA, MYRTASEAI MAIN CHARACTERISTICS This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds, its 15-20 ft. (4.7-6 m) tall, when its blooms in mide fall its color is White/Near White. Among its attributes are the rapid growth, the excellent response to pruning and the ability to flourish and fructify generously. It blooms in early summer. The fruit is fleshy, ovoid or piriform, and red in colo WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR Eugenia myrtifolia is a tree or evergreen shrub, its leaves are whole, elliptic or lanceolate, acute or obtuse and briefly petiolate. And its also used for decoration. WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT Its fruit is a berry, which contains the seeds inside. The most important thing is to collect the seeds, is that the plant is healthy and strong, to avoid transmitting a virus through them. Then to extract the seeds that the fruit is ripe,it will realize by the change of the color, when it is red. ORIGIN...


SALYX HUMBOLDITANA, SAUCE LLORON, MORACIA             MAIN CHARACTERISTICS  The weeping willow has a rounded cup and is made up of small twigs that go in buds. At the time of pruning, we find that we are facing a fairly thick and strong trunk that maintains a glass with great beauty and great grace. This tree is also deciduous and is between eight and twelve meters in height but in some cases stranger we can find them up to twenty-six which are undoubtedly the largest we will have. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR Medicine and decoration WHY ARE THEY IMPORTAN It helps you with Against Fever, Rheumatism And Muscular Aches.               ORIGIN If we go through the historical scope of the word, we must say that weeping willow is believed to be originated in China.


  ACCA  SELLOWIANA, FEIJOA, MYRTASEAI        MAIN CHARACTERISTICS  The plant is a leafy shrub 3 to 20 feet (0.9-6 m) or more tall, with pale gray bark; The branches are extended and swollen in the nodes, they have white hairs when they are young. The leaves are perennial, opposing, short petiole, frankly elliptic, cherry-like, 1 1/8 to 2 1/2 inches (2.8-6.25 cm) wide; Smooth and shiny on the upper surface, finely veined and with silver hair below. Bisexual flowers, 1 1/2-inch (4 cm) wide, are born simple or in clusters, have 4 fleshy, oval, concave, white on the outside, purple red on the inside; Stamens in large groups of 5/8 to 3/4 inch (1.6-2 cm) long are erect, purple, with round anthers and golden yellow. The fruit is ovoid or slightly pear-shaped, 11/2 to 2 1/2 inches (4-6 cm) long and 1 1/8 to 2 inches (2.8-5 cm) wide, with segments of Calyx attached at the apex. The skin, thin, is covered with a hair of fine whitish hairs until maturit...


    FICUS BENJAMIN  FICUS BENJAMINA, FICUS, MORACIAA, FICUS, MORACIA     MAIN CHARACTERISTICS    Ficus benjamina is an evergreen tree with a dense, wide crown; it can grow 15 - 30 metres tall. The bole can be 30 - 60cm in diameters. The plant usually begins life as an epiphyte, growing in the branch of another tree; as it grows older it sends down aerial roots which, when they reach the ground quickly form roots and become much thicker and more vigorous. They supply nutrients to the fig, allowing it to grow faster than the host tree.     WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR     I ts mainly used for medecin  ORIGIN     Ficus benjamina  is native to the Asia-Oceania region but has been introduced around the world as a cultivated ornamental and hedge plant (Wiersema and Leon, 1999; Acevedo-Rodriguez and Strong, 2012; USDA-ARS, 2014). It was reportedly present in the West Indies in the early ...


   TIBUCHINA LEPIDOT   TIBUCHINA LEPIDOTA, SIETE CUEROS, MELAFOMATACIA A, SIETE CUEROS, MELAFOMATACIA           MAIN CHARACTERISTICS     Small to medium tree, usually reaches up to 12 m in height. The outer crust is ligth brown and paper, it is stripped in layers. The large show of flowers are initialy purple and then pink. The fruits are small capsules.      WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR       this plants are used for decoration     WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT      Is suitable as ornamental in parks, pedestrian boulevards, wide vivid separators and antejardines. this is an ornament due to the violet color of its flowers.      ORIGIN     Originated in los Andes from Colombia and Venezuela to the center of Peru and to the center of Peru. 


  QUERCUS HUMBOLDTII, OAK TREE, FAGACEA       MAIN CHARACTERISTICS    Oak trees belong to the beech family of the fagacea they are broad-leaved, deciduous trees. Oak trees are considered one of the best shade trees and produce fruit in the form of acorns. They reach a mature heigth of 50 to 70 feet and the majority of oak trees adapt well to a wide range of soil conditions. Oak trees are generally free from pests and disease. Though galls often appear on the leaves nad stems, they are not harmful to the tree.     WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR     For Native Americans and Europeans settlesr to North America, they were a reliable source of warmth, shelter and, most importantly, food. Acorns feed more than 100 species of wildlife, and the oak´s massive frame.      WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT      Oaks Host Animals: not just birds or bugs also squirrels, ducks, rats mouses a...


   MYRCIANTHES RHOPALOIDES, ARRAYAN NEGRO, MYRTASEAI              MAIN CHARACTERISTICS      Leaves: Simple, opposite, glabrous, cactaceous, ovate, acute apex. Flowers: Of white color, their petals separated from each other, their green chalice, of numerous stamens, fragrant, arranged in inflorescences in the form of axillary tipsio. Fruit: Rounded between 1 and 2 cm in diameter, they are dark brown, fleshy, warty. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR   Its fruits are food for avifauna, by form and aroma is sown in gardens and parks, usually sowed in water margins WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT Its aromatic leaves and bark, slightly astringent, are stimulating, balsamic vulneraria and mucosal modifier       ORIGIN       the origin was in argentina 


 In this website tour going to find the different trees that are in the Marsh of the conejera, and also in our school. you can find information on their origin what type of plant it is etc. INDEX Trees and Families  ·         Main characteristics ·        Why are they important ·        What are they used for ·        Origin        TRES AND FAMILIES   Quercus Humboldtii, Oak Tree , F agacea   Tibuchina Lepidota, Siete Cueros, Melafomatacia     Ficus Benjamina, Ficus, Moracia     Salyx Humbolditana, Sauce Llorón, Moracia        Acca Sellowiana, Feijoa, Myrtaseai     Eugenia Myrtifolia, Eugenia, M yrtaseai   Myrcia Cucullata, Arrayán, Myrtaseai   Myrcianthes Leucoxyla, Arrayán Blanco, Myrtasea...