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 In this website tour going to find the different trees that are in the Marsh of the conejera, and also in our school. you can find information on their origin what type of plant it is etc.


Trees and Families 

·       Main characteristics

·      Why are they important

·      What are they used for

·      Origin 


  Quercus Humboldtii, Oak Tree , Fagacea

  Tibuchina Lepidota, Siete Cueros, Melafomatacia
  Ficus Benjamina, Ficus, Moracia
  Salyx Humbolditana, Sauce Llorón, Moracia
  Acca Sellowiana, Feijoa, Myrtaseai
  Eugenia Myrtifolia, Eugenia, Myrtaseai

  Myrcia Cucullata, Arrayán, Myrtaseai

  Myrcianthes Leucoxyla, Arrayán Blanco, Myrtaseai
  Myrcianthes Rhopaloides, Arrayán Negro, Myrtaseai



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SALYX HUMBOLDITANA, SAUCE LLORON, MORACIA             MAIN CHARACTERISTICS  The weeping willow has a rounded cup and is made up of small twigs that go in buds. At the time of pruning, we find that we are facing a fairly thick and strong trunk that maintains a glass with great beauty and great grace. This tree is also deciduous and is between eight and twelve meters in height but in some cases stranger we can find them up to twenty-six which are undoubtedly the largest we will have. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR Medicine and decoration WHY ARE THEY IMPORTAN It helps you with Against Fever, Rheumatism And Muscular Aches.               ORIGIN If we go through the historical scope of the word, we must say that weeping willow is believed to be originated in China.


   MYRCIANTHES RHOPALOIDES, ARRAYAN NEGRO, MYRTASEAI              MAIN CHARACTERISTICS      Leaves: Simple, opposite, glabrous, cactaceous, ovate, acute apex. Flowers: Of white color, their petals separated from each other, their green chalice, of numerous stamens, fragrant, arranged in inflorescences in the form of axillary tipsio. Fruit: Rounded between 1 and 2 cm in diameter, they are dark brown, fleshy, warty. WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR   Its fruits are food for avifauna, by form and aroma is sown in gardens and parks, usually sowed in water margins WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT Its aromatic leaves and bark, slightly astringent, are stimulating, balsamic vulneraria and mucosal modifier       ORIGIN       the origin was in argentina